Works and Style
Peter Cabus composed no less than three hundred works for diverse settings. His instrumental oeuvre comprises solo and chamber music alongside symphonic works and concerti. His songs, cantatas and choral works are composed on Dutch, French, English and even Latin texts. His popularity as a composer can be seen by the many comissions that he recieved: Het jonge paar, 1986 comissioned by the radio station BRT, Muziek voor orgel, kopers en percussie, 1978 Festival van Vlaanderen and the Symfonie voor strijkers, 1986 Festival van Vlaanderen. From his passion for music education it is not surprising that many of his works are written with teaching in mind.
Peter Cabus is a interesting representative of the eclectic neoclassicism of the 20th century. In terms of form, he chose many forms from the past, such as the sonata or rondo. His working of thematic material shows a great fascination for the works of Mozart and Beethoven. Within this classical framework he developed an harmonic language, which is mostly tonal but can easily cross over to atonal and even dodecaphonic passages.