Chapter 5

Three books of psalms or religious songs, respectively from 1650, 1690 and 1700: leather covers with relief and gold stamping and golden edging.  They come from the collection of Guido Wagener.

Vollständige Kirchen- und Haus-Music […] durch D. Martin Luthern und andere Gottfürchtige Männer gestellet. 5th edition, Breslau, 1650.  The first edition dates from 1611.  The book is stylishly decorated with marbled paper on the inner cover and a golden relief.

The Latin hymn O Lux beata trinitas in a Germanified version.

Nürenbergisches Gesang-Buch, darinnen 1230 auserlesene sowol alt als neue Geist-Lehr und Trostreiche Lieder.  Nürenberg, 1690.  This book is not only impressive due to its more than 1000 songs, but also by its chisled cut.

The songbook opens with a frontispiece of a view of Nürnberg.  The title page is preceded by a portrait of the publisher Conrad Feuerlein and the work contains futher illustrations.

De Davids Psalmen, nach französischen Meoldien in Deutsche Reime gebracht durch Ambrosium Lobwasser, Berlin, 1700, is bound in an elegant cover.  There are no religious symbols, but a baroque cover with a lyre on the front and angelical musicians on the back.

The front and back covers are notable for the particularly deep impression.  The spine of the book is completely classical.

After a decorative title page and frontispiece follow psalm settings for two voices, cantus and bassus.


Brussels Conservatory collection, 23388, 16658, 16797