
Alessandro Sanquirico (1777-1849) was an Italian architect, designer and painter. In the first half of the 19th century he was in the service of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan. His scenery designs are, according to the taste and spirit of the time, historically realistic in style. That the scenery designs were also published as lithographs fits in the souvenir-culture which had long been a part of the opera genre. Listening to a recording wasn’t possible, but a scenery design could keep the memory of the performance – and the emotions – alive.

A scenery depiction from La Straniera of Bellini, published by Ricordi. On loan from Lo Presti.


The Sotterrano from L’Esule di Roma of Bellini, published by Ricordi. On loan from Lo Presti.


Sometimes the decor was filled with characters from the opera, so that a live scene is evoked, such as this temple scene from Irminsul from the opera Norma by Bellini, published in remembrance of the premiere at the Scala in Milan in 1832. 

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